Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fiber Indie Experience Co-op

This is exciting! I have just joined a wonderful group of fiber folks called "Fiber Indie Experience Co-op"! The purpose of this group is to promote independant fiber artists, and boy, is there some talent in this group!

If you haven't checked it out yet, visit our Ravelry group . There you can learn about the current month's promotion, like giant prize boxes full of fibery goodness and gift certificates to use in their shops! It is amazing! Visit the members' online shops and make purchases to enter the current contest - the details are all there. And you get the warm fuzzies, knowing that when you purchase from these members, you are helping to support fiber addictions and you are helping to feed fiber herds all over the United States.


If you haven't visited my shop recently, you need to stop by. I have lots of new fibers, some rovings and washed wool from the herd and new semi-solid hand dyed rovings, and even a couple of yarns. I know it is July, and kinda hot to be thinking about wool, but remember, we are half way to Christmas! Time to start thinking about the project load and remembering what last December was like. All of the late nights, grumpiness, tired fingers, numb mind, hiding from friends and family - all because you waited until the last minute to start making gifts. (or does that just happen at my house?)

And speaking of Christmas...WOO-HOO!!! Only two weeks away from Fiber Christmas in July in Kellyville, Oklahoma! If you are anywhere close, you have got to get to this show! Kate Lowder has expanded the show this year to include more space, which equals MORE VENDORS!!! There are also classes offered in many different areas, but you need to get to the website now and sign up!

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