Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shearing Day!

Friday was shearing day at Sarah's Sheep Farm. We were very excited to see our first full crop of fleeces. We got everyone penned up Thursday afternoon to keep them clean and dry. Last year we sheared many of them ourselves, and figured out quickly that it was a wise investment to have a professional come in and do the job in a matter of hours instead of days. We met Danny Smith and his wife at Fiber Christmas in Kellyville, Oklahoma this summer, and have heard nothing but wonderful things about him, so we asked him to do our shearing this year. All I can say is "Wow". He was amazing to watch - and just like I have always said about ice skating, a professional makes it look so easy!

Here are Samson and Winston waiting their turns:

And the ladies awaiting their new "do's". My it was crowded in there.

This is Naomi, a Shetland/Border Leicester. She is my favorite, so I took lots of pictures of her.

Wow! That is a lot of fleece!

And the tiny sheep that remained under all of that wool.

Remember the really full pen of wooly sheep at the start?

Is it just me, or does anyone else feel a breeze?

And finally, a little teaser of the bounty that I now have at my house! All 31 bags of it!

I will be skirting fleeces and deciding which ones I can pry out of my greedy little fingers, and hope to begin posting the ones I will have for sale soon.